All Things Teacher, Health & Fitness, Life


WOW! We are already in August…Where has the summer gone?! I have been spending some much needed time relaxing by my pool and soaking up the sun before the craziness starts back up again. For those who don’t know, I’m a teacher…Wish me luck! With it being the start of a new month, I wanted to set some goals for this month and share them with you all. I am hoping this will keep me accountable as I will reflect at the end of the month.

  1. Pass the last of my teacher certification tests – I have 2 left. They are ridiculously hard! They are both scheduled for this month so fingers crossed and wish me luck!
  2. Be brave and go through with my first ever root canal…It is next Thursday. I have heard nothing but horror stories!
  3. Lose 5 pounds
  4. Drink A LOT more water each day
  5. Finish setting up my classroom
  6. Go to the beach
  7. Watch a sunrise/sunset
  8. Go on a hike
  9. Walk 15 miles outside (in total, not all at one time)
  10. Start saving money

I would LOVE to hear some of your goals for this month! They don’t have to be anything crazy, but creating goals for yourself sets you up for success. I am totally a goal setter and achiever! Let’s do this!

2 thoughts on “AUGUST GOALS”

  1. My goals for this month:
    . Write 1 blog post each week
    . Eat more greens 🥬
    . Hit at least 80 followers on the blog
    . Start painting the inside of my house
    . Lose 5 pounds

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